Sunday, February 15, 2009

Anne's book ideas

Thanks everyone for considering my plight in getting books to read. (I hope I am not causing a problem.) Our library system is big but hard to get books that are new. The two local book groups that I am in have the same problem. I appreciate the advice on where to find books online that are cheap. I don't buy much online and so I really don't know where to find the cheapest books. I will look into purchasing some of the books suggested if we decide to read them.

As far as book suggestions go, I am willing to read just about everything. All of your suggestions sound great. Two books that are on my list to read are:
Nefertiti by Michelle Moran
The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the first Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805 by Richard Zacks

There are no holds at my Library for March's book "A Woman in Berlin" if we wanted to start there while we work out the books for the next several months.

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