Saturday, May 23, 2009

Email Notices

Hello Ladies. I was wondering if I can ask a favor? on the blog that I have with Kelly and Kerry I set it up so that when any of us post on the blog, we all get an email telling us that there has been a new post. I tried to figure out how to do that with BlueStocking but can't figure it out, probably because I'm not an administrator. With all my traveling and sporadic internet access to the blog it would be great to know when someone has posted. I'd be more timely in responding. Is this possible? thanks! Read On!

What happened to OUtlander discussion?

I read Outliers awhile ago, so don't mind discussing it now? but did we decide to skip the april selection? Outlander? I'm half way through it...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Discussion questions: Outliers and TSC

Sometimes I'm a bit muddleheaded when I try to write reviews so I like to have a jumping off point. Here are a few questions you might consider in your reviews, but certainly share thoughts beyond these as well!


1. Which chapter did you most enjoy reading?

2. Were you surprised to learn about the backgrounds of any of the success stories? 

3. Does his idea, that success is dependent largely on "uncontrollables" like luck, timing, birth month, nationality, etc, change your view of successful people or what it takes to be successful? 

4. This book gets as much criticism as it does acclaim. Were there parts that you questioned or do feel he presented enough information to back up his theories?

5. Would you recommend this book to others?  Why or why not?

The Survivors Club

1. Who is your favorite survivor in this book and why?  

2. Why do you think people are drawn to survivor stories?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the first rule of The Survivors Club: Everyone is a survivor?

4. Do you believe that a person with a positive mental attitude - or a strong will to live - can overcome any challenge, including a serious medical problem?  Do you agree that 80-90 percent of survival is mental? 

5. After reading this book, have you changed your attitudes or actions?  Do you feel better prepared to survive and thrive in the face of adversity?  

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Pirate Coast and May books--Rebecca

I'm feeling embarrassed to admit that I didn't actually finish reading The Pirate Coast. What happened?! I was so intrigued with it at the beginning--I read the first 1/4 of the book in one evening. But then, it just never grabbed me again. I tried to continue a few times and ended up skimming through. I'm not sure why? While the detail was interesting, sometimes the book got bogged down in too much detail. I didn't understand some of the political maneuvers and there wasn't much warmth in it--not much personality. I'd opt for a condensed version of this historical event. 

For May's reading, I'm going to leave it for either of the two books I mentioned so that everyone can read the one that is available to them. (ie. Anne can get TSC, but still not O). I think it will actually make for interesting reviews--both books are similar in that they are non-fiction, they are made up of a variety of individual stories and accounts that should contain appeal to many different interests.  Also because of this nature, there are no "spoilers" to give away in a review. If you're feeling ambitious, read both! Happy reading!

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
The Survivors Club by Ben Sherwood

p.s. I'll try to post questions for each as soon as I can so you can write your reviews as you read, or when you've finished and it's still fresh in your mind (I do much better in my reviews when I don't wait so long to post!)