Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mockingjay Release!

Ack! My copy of Mockingjay is on its way from Amazon--alas I was slow to order and I am feeling the jealousies of it being in everyone else's hands but mine! I ordered the trilogy. In fact I'm tempted to re-read the first two before I jump into the finale. Think my family would notice if I disappeared into the depths of 1184 pages for a weekend??

So let's talk it up in September? Our book blog here is suffering from our lack of attention! I enjoyed the last one "Beneath My Mother's Feet" but had to return it before I wrote up my comments. I need some writing practice---lately I can't seem to get my words from my brain into a readable format. My "lame" review: very good, it felt "real" (sadly so in some situations), was happy about how it ended, touched by the relationships, enjoyed the little details that made it come alive (description of smells, etc), and it left me interested in a culture different than my own.

I didn't get much reading in over the summer. But I'd love to pick up again and continue with our monthly reads! Anyone else?
