Thursday, September 24, 2009

Book Group Tag

All right, fellow Bluestockings. I was thinking about the different personalities we all have and thought a little "book group tag" would be fun. So here are the questions I thought of:

1. Are there any books that you read over and over again? If so (and I'm sure there are), name them.

2. Name 3 or 4 fictional characters you'd like to be and why.

3. Name a book that has had you thinking (and even talking) about it for a long, long while afterward.

4. Name one "classic" book that you are afraid to admit you don't like. We're all friends here - be honest.

5. Have you ever wanted to write your own book? You don't have to be specific if you don't want, but you can.

There. Five questions. Now I'll do a seperate post with my answers and I challenge y'all to do yours as well. It could be very enlightening. I can't wait to see what you all have to say!

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