Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday Teaser

The Hollow Hills p. 123

"The mist was lifting, drawing back from a sparkling sky. Faintly, high over the castle promontory, grew a hazy moon of light. Then the last cloud blew clear, billowing before the west wind like a sail blowing towards Brittany, and in its wake, blazing through the sparkle of the lesser stars, grew the great star that had lit the night of Ambrosius' death, and now burned steady in the east for the birth of the Christmas King.
We set spurs to our horses and rode for the ship."

I'm about halfway through this book and I cannot believe it's taken me so many years to read this series. The first book, The Crstyal Cave, is Merlin's story. This second book is Arthur's childhood (Arthur hasn't factored much into the book so far, but that's because Merlin isn't with him). The books are in Merlin's voice and Mary Stewart is a wonderful storyteller.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I started a series about Merlin years upon years ago---can't remember if it was this one or not. These sound like some I'd really enjoy!