Saturday, May 23, 2009

Email Notices

Hello Ladies. I was wondering if I can ask a favor? on the blog that I have with Kelly and Kerry I set it up so that when any of us post on the blog, we all get an email telling us that there has been a new post. I tried to figure out how to do that with BlueStocking but can't figure it out, probably because I'm not an administrator. With all my traveling and sporadic internet access to the blog it would be great to know when someone has posted. I'd be more timely in responding. Is this possible? thanks! Read On!


Rebecca said...

This sounds like a good idea, but, alas I am clueless as to how to do this either. Anyone else know?

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

I think I've figured it out - I'll set it up later today. Good idea!