Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday Teaser

I saw this from another book blog...each week the members posted a few "teaser" lines from a book they were currently reading. How fun is that! Open to a random page and choose a few lines to share, without giving away any spoilers.

My book this week is "a single thread" by Marie Bostwick.

"Sure, you want to be able to support yourself, but there are about two hundred easier ways to do that than owning a quilt shop, and you know it. Think. When you first walked down that alley and peered into that dirty window, what was it you saw? What was in front of you was a run-down wreck of a storefront that no one had thought to rent in years, but that's not what you saw. You had a vision, a dream of something special, something that gave you the courage to pull up stakes, empty your bank account, and put everything on the line." His voice was urgent. "What was it?"

So far it's a good book!

1 comment:

Anne Bennion said...

Fun Teaser! Love the idea. Let me know how the book goes. Sounds interesting...