Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Books and Hunger Games discussion?

Are we ready for the Hunger Games discussion? I sure am! Let us know Rebecca!

I put a book up for May, something I've been wanting to read and discuss.

Any takers for June, July, August?

Happy reading!



Anne Bennion said...

I'm ready to discuss some books!!! I'll take one of the months. It doesn't matter which one.

Rebecca said...

Ready! I also suggest that we read "Mockingjay" (the 3rd in the Hunger Games trilogy) for August or September since the release date for it is midway thru Aug. Do you want to post it for either of those months?

Annette B said...

I'll go with whatever you gals want to do. I'm still so behind. I bought Hunger Games but haven't read it. but don't wait for me. I'll catch up, i promise.