Thursday, June 4, 2009

Annette's take on Outliers

I am writing this without my book because I'm traveling. I also read it about 4 months ago. But here goes:

1. Which chapter did you most enjoy reading?

I agree with Rebecca about the first two chapters...they really got my attention. I told my tax acountant about it while I was visiting him and he started googling all the famous professional hockey players he could think of...and their birthdates were all exactly where Outliers would predict. creepy. Same thing for the top professional really famous baseball players. I also like the chapter that dealt with the "tribal" culture of the hollars of west viriginia/kentucky etc. I've actually bought the book he references "Albion Seed" I have it on my Kindle to read.

2. Were you surprised to learn about the backgrounds of any of the success stories?

Yes...same as Rebecca for the same reasons.

3. Does his idea, that success is dependent largely on "uncontrollables" like luck, timing, birth month, nationality, etc, change your view of successful people or what it takes to be successful?

I don't think that he says success is LARGELY based on uncontrollables. I believe that he thinks they have a significant effect. It doesn't change my view of usccessful people at worst they are people who knew to take advantage of what is given them be it intelligence, education, or the uncontrollables. It does make me look differently at people who "fail", that not all the failure is of their own making. interesting. Because you don't want people to use these facts as a "cop out" but....

4. This book gets as much criticism as it does acclaim. Were there parts that you questioned or do feel he presented enough information to back up his theories?

I'll have to come back to this question when I have the book in hand. But in general I think he's done (or reviewed) very interesting research that holds up pretty well under scrutiny

5. Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not? I definitely would. I did. Its very thought provoking.

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