Wednesday, October 22, 2008

November's Book.....finally!

Since we are all so inspired by Jane, I thought reading one of her fabulous novels would be fun. It's always so hard to pick which Austen novel to read, so I chose one I hadn't read before: Mansfield Park. It should be a quick read for the busy month of November. Discussion will begin on December 1st.


Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

Hooray - after I finally figured out what I was doing wrong, we got you on the list Anne! Sorry about that goof-up.
I'm so excited to read this book. I realized I've seen the movie, so I have a good idea what it is about. But I'm excited to read it - started it this morning and have already chuckled at Miss Austen's way of turning phrases. Such fun!

Annette B said...

great choice...looking forward to it. Will read Guernsey on plane home from vietnam and will comment somewhere around the 6th or so. looking forward to it.